We make technology work for your business, instead of you working for your technology.

What we do

Customer Support Strategy

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Sales & Marketing Strategy

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China Strategy

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Privacy Compliance

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CRM Marketing & Growth

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Customer Experience Strategy & Design

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Why we do it

As a result of disconnected processes, systems and teams, companies often fail to deliver truly great customer experiences, drive innovation, scale growth or execute strategy effectively.

With growing complexity and reduced visibility, the wrong problems end up being solved. Paradoxically, taking a step back and shining a hollistic light through the organization is hard and often controversial, especially in fast-moving markets like China. After all, why fix something that’s growing?

We are different. We do not believe in sub-optimal results that leave money on the table. We are not okay with a disconnect between your boardroom strategy and your shopfloor operations. We do not settle for “mweh” customer experiences.

It is out of this frustration, that we were born. We’re here to upend inefficiencies, put your customer at the heart of your business and fuel your growth at the speed the market dictates.

How we do it

To enable the capabilities that achieve strategic objectives, an organization must strike a balance between people, process and technology. Balancing these three dimensions is the cornerstone of everything we do. Across people, process and technology an ideal state would look as follows:


Staff is adequately organized, trained and empowered to serve and anticipate the needs of customers. There is a culture of continuous improvement, customer centricity and innovation. Roles and responsibilities are clear and staff is held accountable for effort and output in a quantifiable and transparent way. Decision making is swift and data-driven.



Processes are organized around outcomes, free of slack, duplication and leave no gaps in the customer journey. Across geographies and teams processes are standardized and consolidated. All other predictable, repetitive, rules-based and structured processes are automated and customers have a great deal of autonomy to self-serve processes.



IT is a pro-active, trusted business partner that minimizes overhead through consolidation of the application landscape using off-the-shelf SaaS, Cloud and open source solutions. Data is managed and governed in a safe way compliant with the latest privacy standards. Technology is broadly understood and adopted and there no gaps or overlaps in feature utility in the applications in use. Uptime and performance is excellent and problems are siwftly resolved. There is a well-established process to handle new feature requests.


70% of digital transformations do not achieve their desired results as people, process, technology were not aligned.




Is your organization setup for success? Let’s chat

Business Process Re-engineering

To consistently deliver great results, we have honed and perfected a methodology based on the time-tested Business Process Re-engineering philosophy (the playbook) and a set of proprietary frameworks (the secret sauce) that ensure a tailored solution to your unique challenges.



Every transformation should start with an intimite understanding of the current state of the organization, its processes and its technical setup. This allows for more accurate problem definition, brings onboard stakeholders at every level of the organization and helps measure the effort required to achieve the objectives and future state that is most suitable to your organization.



Having established a holistic picture of the organization, we can now proceed to isolate the problem statements by testing hypotheses using data analysis combined with our proprietary frameworks. The output at this stage is a set of well defined problem statements and goals that will realize the strategic objectives as defined in the discovery phase.



To realize these goals, we must now design the processes, systems and organizational structures that will empower your organization to solve the underlying challenges identified in the analysis phase. This is a collaborative and iterative process working with key stakeholders at ever level of your organization.



With a clear set of objectives and a sign-off on the future state of technology, process and organization, the next step is execution. This is where transformation really happens and includes facets of technical development, but also the human side of change management which all need to be carefully coordinated and project managed.

Discovery workshop, interviews and surveys

Data analysis, desktop research

Workshops, mock-ups, proof of concept, experiments

Agile, Kanban, project management

Our partnerships driving your growth

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